Container Store's Annual Shelving Sale

As subscribers of this Better Organized blog know, my favorite shelving system is elfa from The Container Store. Good news! The Container Store is holding their annual 25% off Storewide Shelving Sale until October 21st. They only put elfa on sale two times per year, during this summer sale and again at the end of the year. So you should jump at this chance to save some dough if you've been thinking about upgrading your closet, basement, garage, or other storage areas. For those of you who aren't near a store, you can still take advantage of the sale by designing and ordering the components on line.

Not only is elfa on sale right now for 25% off, but so are several other shelving products that The Container Store offers. These include:

* Metro and InterMetro modular shelving
* Freestanding Shelving
* Wall-Mounted Shelving
* Modular Steel Cubes

For more info about The Container Store as well as tons of other sources for organizing solutions, go to the affiliate links at my website at Look under the Products tab and click on Recommended Resources. Happy organizing!